About Ros Eó Soap

Ros Eó Soap company is a one-woman handmade soap, bath product and body care business.

My name is Megan and I am that one-woman!

Ros Eó Soap Company is my baby, I have worked hard to pull everything together.

I have a strong, ethical business mission which focuses on creating high quality soaps and other bath and body products using sustainable and eco-friendly processes. My main aim is to bring body care back to simpler ways: less fuss, less packaging, less harsh and harmful chemicals while remaining luxurious, relevant, and exciting.

The name Ros Eó Soap Company comes from the Irish name for my hometown, Rush, Co. Dublin.


Mission Statement:

Ros Eó Soap Company aims to provide affordable, high quality handmade bath and body care to help you feel your best. We will grow as we started, with honesty and transparency. My customers mean a lot to me, as does my impact on the environment. My priority will always be to look after them both.


My product range contains various soaps, lip balms, skin salves, bath bombs, bath salts. body butters, foot soaks etc. I absolutely love testing out new products and recipes, so I have lots of plans to expand and grow my product lines.